Thursday, June 09, 2011

People Who Inspire Me The Most!!

There are some people who have always inspired me from the very beginning of my life, since when I got to know about them. These are the people whom I have always been respecting in my life and I hope to continue this in the future. This is my list of the top personalities in the world who inspire me the most and still continue to do so. 
He has been the very first person in my life from whom I learnt a lot of things - from speaking, walking and reading to humbleness, courage, determination and a lot of countless qualities. I can't imagine my life without my father. My father is a lecturer in a college. Of the many teachers who have taught me till now, I would say that he is the best one. I feel inspired by him. I feel proud to be his son and also his student and I will always try my best to make him feel proud of me too.
Sir Albert Einstein has always been my inspirational hero. His ideas and work set of a spark in me and now I too dream of becoming a successful theoretical physicist. When I first read about him I was really motivated. I was surprised to know that he overthrew Newtonian Mechanics by his new theory of relativity which he started to think about when he was 12. He was a genius. He always inspires me. Whenever I am irritated with my studies, I think of Einstein and suddenly I start to feel a new interest in that subject. His ideas always impress me. Most of us might not know this but, he was awarded the Nobel-Prize for his work on the Photoelectric Effect and not on the Theory of Relativity because relativity was still considered somewhat controversial. In layman's terms no one understood it clearly then. His equation E=mc^2 is not just an equation but a complete description of Space intertwined with Time. Hats-Off to such a genius.

Stephen William Hawking, an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist has always been and is still inspiring me. It all started when I was 14 and I randomly picked a book from the book seller at the railway station to entertain my journey. I did not know of Hawking before this incident but as soon as I started to read the book it was just like the best things I had ever got to read and learn. I loved it. The book was "A Brief History of Time". This was the time when I got more interested in "Theoretical Physics". Before this I was interested in Astronomy which I still am but I like Theoretical Physics more than that because it explains a large number of phenomena in our universe. After this, I always kept on reading more and more about him. I was really shocked to know that a Man who writes so brilliantly is paralyzed with the motor-neuron disease. This made me feel that nothing but only will power is the strongest one in the world. We can achieve anything with our will-power. I have got an opportunity to read some of his most brilliant works like "The Universe in a Nutshell" and "The Grand Design". These books are really worth reading for those who want to know about the universe and beyond. Stephen Hawking held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, the chair held by Isaac Newton in 1663 for thirty years.

Dr. Michio Kaku is professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and a cofounder of string field theory. Again, I was inspired by the writings of this person. He is the author of several widely acclaimed books, including "Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century", "Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe","Hyperspace" and "Parallel Worlds". Among these I really liked Hyperspace. Its awesome and it was named one of the best science - book of the year by The New York Times and The Washington Post. I liked Hyperspace so much that I named this website after it. It is one of the best books ever and a must-read. I like the personality of Michio Kaku. He is so skilled at writing materials with analogies plucked from our daily life. He drives my thoughts towards theoretical physics.

Thus, these were a few people who have always inspired me and always paved the way to my destiny. There are many other people who have also inspired me exept the four mentioned. I respect all of them for their uniqueness.


  1. - In a multiverse of eternally inflating vacua, most of the volume will be occupied by high entropy, disordered states incapable of supporting observers. There are thus only two ways in which observable states can exist:
    1) by being part of a relatively young, low entropy world, or;
    2) by being a thermal fluctuation in a high entropy world.
    -Even though the young universes are constantly nucleating out of the false vacuum, their volumes will be small in comparison with the older bubbles. Disordered states will, therefore, be predominate, implying observers are more likely to be the result of #2, thermal fluctuations than the result of young, low entropy conditions.
    -But then it is incomprehensibly more probable that a much smaller region of disequilibrium should arise via a fluctuation than a region as large as our observable universe… if we are just one random member of an ensemble of worlds, we should therefore be observing a smaller world.
    -All being equal, this theory still requires finitude given the B-G-V Theorem.

  2. I totally agree with you on this subject. The multiverse is always expanding and its obvious that new universes are bubbling from the old ones. This is a spontaneous process. I will be happy to know more about you, plz tell your name!!.
