Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alternate Realities : Parallel Worlds!!

Hey Guys!! Here is one more thought in my mind which I am about to share with all of you. First of all, I have a question for you : Is it possible to travel back in time? You are free to comment and answer.

Well, what I feel is that Time Travel is not just a fiction-piece but it can be implemented practically in future once we have the required knowledge of physics and technology. Travelling into future as well as past is possible. It has been a matter of debate about travelling back in time because it gives rise to some of the most common paradoxes. It is just because we think of our world, our universe as the only one.
According to The Multiverse Theory we can find an answer to the question of travelling back into the past. There is not just one reality, but instead there are an infinite parallel series of realities. What we are experiencing our lives as it is now is just because of the future we chose to live in. At every point in time, there is an infinite possibility of the future ahead of us and we chose one of the futures among them to form our present reality.

In the Chaos theory,the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions; where a small change at one place in a nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. For example, the presence or absence of a butterfly flapping its wings could lead to creation or absence of a hurricane.

Just imagine, what would happen if we travel back in time and alter the course of our future. Would it be the same reality that we are experiencing now. Well, according to the Butterfly Effect I don't think so. Any small change in the past could have large changes in our futures. We would fall into a different reality, a parallel universe. Our destinies would have changed and we would fall into a completely different coarse of reality. This theory also answers the question of Why don't we see people from the future in our present or our past. The answer to this question is again the concept of alternate reality. Although, we know only the theoretical aspects of these concepts without any practical evidence but one day with higher level of Physics and Technology we will be able to practically travel through time.

Any new suggestions or thoughts are always welcome. That's All.

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