Monday, April 25, 2011

Can Science Predict our Existence?

SCIENCE : A magnificent path of life.
It is obvious that Science is wonderful; a bold way to express our thoughts. We have learnt a lot about our world through science. Not only about our world but also about our Universe. The word 'Science' originates from the Latin verb 'scientia' meaning knowledge. We know about the earth, solar system and everything through systematic visualization of the nature around us. Till now, we have travelled a long distance from where we started. Can we say that Science is the key to everything. Can we unlock the deepest secret of our existence and the universe through Science? In my opinion, YES we can. The journey of Science has just begun. We, Humans have a long way to go. This is because we are presently the most curious living creature on earth. And this is what the blog is all about!! For those who hate science please don't read forward. I guess the heading to this blog was not scary enough for those who dislike Science. Alright!.
Here's a question guys - How did our universe come into existence?
Well that's a tough one. The most accepted theory regarding this question is "The Big-Bang Theory". The early cosmologies in various traditions believed that our universe started at some finite time in the past. But, various other people believed in a static and an unchanging universe. This conflict of ideas put forward a question about whether the universe had a beginning or not. If we think of our universe as static and eternal, we will find that there is always an infinite amount of time before any event, which is absurd. Hubble's Observations suggested that there was a time called the Big-bang; which is now believed to be around ten or twenty thousand million years ago when the universe was infinitesimally small and therefore, infinitely dense. At this time the curvature of space-time would have been infinite. This was the Big-Bang Singularity. Okay, so that may be how our universe came into existence.
Another common misconception of the Human mind is about "time". Most of us believe that time is infinite. But, it is not. According to some brilliant physicists time had no meaning before the Big Bang. One more misconception about our universe is that it the only one. This, in my opinion, is false. I strongly believe in the concept of multi-verse which extend in the Hyperspace through various dimensions.
Just after the Big-Bang, our universe expanded and cooled. The rate of expansion of our universe was totally perfect. If one second after the big bang the rate of expansion had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have recollapsed before it ever reached its present size. On the other hand, if the expansion rate at one second had been larger by the same amount, the universe would have expanded so much that it would be effectively empty by now. Our existence is not a mere chance.
Thus, I conclude that we exist due to a series of events through which our universe has evolved. Now, to me it seems that those events were so perfectly synchronized that we exist today. But, why was it so? Why was everything in favour of life? Who was the GRAND-DESIGNER?

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